This is the room from the corner of my bed. Yes, it's messy, but at least I have my cheap generic-brand bass standing proudly in the corner. The stand and several other small goodies were included in its package deal--score!
This is taken from the above-seen corner of the bed. As you can tell, there isn't much space behind the computer I'm writing this on, but I really don't mind. After all, the place is nonsmoking (sign just below the lamp) and air-conditioned (top left, and not standard over here even in these humid conditions).
Note the little entrance where my shoes are patiently waiting to be walked; in an actual house this would be a raised step. I had to smile when I came in and saw two little hotel slippers perched on the other side of the line--they are my constant companions.
The gift-wrapped box in front of the closet is the 10-watt amp that came with the bass. Packaging is a big deal here; my lunch today (marinated tofu on rice) had a layer of plastic between the two components, was shrink-wrapped over its packaging, and handed to me in a carrying bag! Because space is at a premium, I took some liberties in rearranging the furniture for my stay, which explains why the microwave is balanced on the never-to-be-used TV.
bugs are so pervasive that they're practically taken for granted; one of my teachers was surprised today when I told her we don't
have any of the noisy things in California.
I'm having second thoughts about living a bicycle-based life; they're legally treated as cars--B.U.I. citations are handed out-- and fatalities are apparently more frequent than in the U.S.
Finally, here's the convenience store next to the building. Unlike in America, there seems to be no real stigma attached to the cafeteria-style food they sell, though perhaps this is offset by the respect accorded restaurants that specialize in one particular dish. Please note the three garbage cans--combustible, bottles, and non-combustible waste--as well as one of the ubiquitous vending machines.
I see an extra doorknob sticking out perpendicular from your entrance door. Are you lucky enough to have your own personal bathroom?
Kylan, I'm really glad you're doing this; it's so neat to see pictures of this place that I'd otherwise never see.
Glad you enjoy it. About the knob (good eyes): I do indeed have my own sink, Western-style toilet, and shower. The only slight drawback is that the shower head is fixed at the level of my forehead, but for such a nice place it's no real sacrifice.
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